Good website user experience (UX) is good for business

A mobile-friendly website with modern design is about so much more than looking relevant. Often people want a new website because their current one is out of date and feels embarrassing. 

Other times, people are eager to get a website up because they know it matters that they have some sort of online presence. 

These are both fine reasons.

However, the best reason for a new or improved website is to provide a positive experience at all touchpoints of your business. 

A thoughtfully designed website:

  • 1) Increases conversions

  • 2) Improves ranking in search engines

  • 3) Shows your potential customer you care about their time and you are committed to providing a good experience

Your website is more than a marketing tool. It is a part of your business ethos.

A well-designed website is an act of courtesy. It is a way of saying:

"I care about your time. I want every interaction you have with my business to be an excellent one.”  

If you spent years perfecting your craft, you likely want to deliver your services or product in a nice storefront or office. Why? You know a great customer experience goes beyond delivering your product or service.

You know good customer experience is about making every touchpoint with your brand a positive one. 

Simply put, you want your customer to be impressed with the holistic experience. 

Your website is no different. 

Good user experience is good for business.

A good website doesn’t just come down to a trending colour palette, or a stylish template. Yes, those things are nice, but first and foremost, your website needs to put the visitor first. 

When you put user experience first and foremost you quickly learn what elements of your website are self-serving, and which help your customer achieve their goal or task. 

If a customer is visiting your website, they are most likely trying to complete a task. That task could be making a purchase, learning more information, or contacting your place of business. 

A website should be designed to make these user tasks as simple as possible. In doing so, you are being respectful of a potential client or customer's time. 

Additionally, better user experience means better search engine rankings.  

Ultimately, a thoughtfully designed website makes good business sense.

As tempting as it can be to avoid investing in your website, failing to do so isn’t a cost-saving. Rather, you are likely leaving money on the table. Visit my how-to guide for designing a conversion focused website.

Search Engine Optimization & User Experience 

A winning website is built for substance and style. The typical website visitor leaves after only 8 seconds. If you want to turn prospects into customers, knowing how to improve your website is key. 

Moreover, when visitors arrive on your website and quickly leave, Google takes this as a signal that website visitors aren’t finding the information they need. 


Google wants to deliver the best possible search result to individuals making a search query. If you want to win the search, it is about more than the right keywords and SEO strategies

It is about delivering what visitors want and need once they arrive. 

The key is to rank well for search terms relevant to your business, and then deliver what users are looking for with thoughtfully designed landing pages. 

Investing in a good website saves money in the long run

As a simple example, you can do all the advertising in the world to get people into your restaurant, but no amount of advertising is going to save your business if the food isn’t good. 

First and foremost, make your food better, and then invest in advertising. 

The same can be said about your website. Improve your user experience, content, and the overall look and feel of your website. Once you have, it’s time to invest in marketing your website. You can do this in the opposite order, but you are money won’t go nearly as far. 

Take your small business to the next level with a website designed to meet your business goals.

You only have a limited amount of time to make a good first impression and show your potential customers you care about providing a good 

customer experience across every touchpoint. 

Get started with a website as carefully crafted and considered as your products and services. 

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How to drive traffic to your Squarespace website


Want more Squarespace website traffic? Focus on user experience (UX)