Getting started with Google Ads and landing pages

If you have a website, or you are thinking about getting started with a website and online advertising, you have likely heard about Google Ads or Facebook ads. Often people want to get started with some form of digital advertising, but don’t know where to start.  

Getting started with Google ads 

If you’ve made a search using Google anytime in the last several years, you have seen a Google ad. Google ads show up in search engines above search results. Google ads increasingly look more and more like organic search results.

Why Google Ads?

Many industries are very competitive and search engine optimization (SEO) is a long game. Getting to the first page of Google doesn’t happen overnight and ads provide a great option for getting people to your website.

Google search ads allow you to bid on keywords related to your business. If your website shows up on page 6 of search results, Google ads could allow you to show up on the first page. 

It is important to note, however, using Google Ads doesn’t automatically mean you will show up in top results. Google ads can also be very competitive. Winning a top position comes down to your bid, quality score and ad rank threshold.

For a complete guide on getting started with Google Ads and Google Ads certification visit the Google Skillshop.

Can you provide the best possible result for the person making the query?

Quality score is based on the quality of your keywords, your ads, and your landing pages. Google wants to give people the best possible search results. You can’t simply throw more money at Google than your competitor. You need to create a holistic experience that shows Google your services or product best meet the intent of the search query. 

What makes a quality Squarespace landing page? 

A quality landing page serves up the information the person making a search query is looking for. It should be clear, useful, and relevant. The keywords used on the landing page should be related to the query, and the content should intuitive for the user to navigate. As soon as someone clicks on your ad and lands on this page, it should be obvious to them that they have come to the right place.

Build your landing page with the user in mind

As mentioned above, Google wants to provide the best possible experience for the individual making a search query. You need to show Google you are the best possible result. 

To do so, think about your content through the eyes of someone making a search. They are likely looking to solve a problem. The problem could be wanting information, wanting to make a purchase, wanting to book an appointment and, so on. Can you solve that problem as simply, clearly, and quickly as possible? Can you serve up the relevant information they need in plain language? This is what you should focus on. 

Create specific pages that reach the intent of someone making a search query

As a general rule, don’t send traffic to your homepage.

Rather, you want to create campaigns and Ad Groups around a specific theme, product, or service. The keywords you bid on should all be related to this service, and send people to a specific page that is tailored to meet the needs of someone making this search query. 

Landing page resources:

Looking for more information regarding landing pages? Get started with this best practice guide from Hubspot, The Ultimate Guide to Landing Pages.

Instapage also provides a blog covering 25 of the Best Landing pages, breaking down each component and detailing why the page does well.

Interested in learning more about building your business with digital marketing? Get started with my Digital Marketing Roadmap & Workbook - a complete beginners guide to growing your small business online.

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