Getting Started with Digital Marketing Campaigns for Squarespace Websites

Learn how to create effective digital marketing campaigns for your Squarespace website with this step-by-step guide. Discover how to define your marketing goals, choose the right digital channels, and create content that resonates with your audience. You’ll also gain insights on how to invest your time and resources wisely and measure the success of your campaigns.

How are you going to reach your digital marketing goals?

A digital marketing strategy requires deciding on the approach you will take to meet specific goals.

Your strategy should describe how you will reach your goal without getting detailed enough to outline your tactics. You are simply stating the approach you plan to take without listing out all the actions involved.

When you're attempting to reach your goal, deciding your approach keeps you focused on your direction and helps you pick tactics that will get you there.

When we pick strategies that don't feed into our goals, we deploy several tactics that don't move the needle in a meaningful way.

Digital marketing strategy example

digital marketing strategy resource

Digital marketing strategy worksheet

digital marketing strategy worksheet

Creating campaign goals

Often campaign goals are fuzzy, like "create brand awareness" or "make more sales". We want to get more specific. Instead, try to clarify your goals, like "50 email addresses over the next three months". You won't always reach your campaign goal but be sure to set parameters to measure your success and improve future campaigns.

Campaign goals example

SMART goals for marketing campaign planning

Campaign goals worksheet

marketing campaign goals worksheet

Picking the right digital channels to drive traffic to your Squarespace website

Now that we know our campaign goals, we can look through our digital marketing toolbox.

digital marketing channels to drive website traffic

Hypothetical campaign

digital marketing campaign to drive website traffic and conversions

Investing time & resources wisely

Dennis certainly could have picked more channels as part of his marketing campaign. However, many small business owners, solopreneurs, and lean marketing teams have limited resources when it comes to time and budget.

Before launching your campaign, make sure you're thinking about messaging, the value you're providing, and the best channels to use.

Always make sure to measure your marketing campaigns to learn what's working and where there are opportunities for improvement.

Creating content that resonates with your audience

Before you invest time and money into promoting your content, you’ll want to think about the kind of content and messaging that would resonate with your audience. The worksheet below can help you decide the kind of imagery and content you choose. You may also want to run A/B testing with different messaging and creative to determine where to invest.

Content creation worksheet

content creation worksheet for creating conversion focused websites and marketing campaigns

Campaign checklist

The checklist below will help keep you on track with creating a holistic campaign. Before you spend time and money paying for ads, you want to consider your URL destination. You also want to make sure your landing page is designed to meet to the goal of your campaign.

checklist for marketing campaigns for driving traffic to squarespace website

Measuring campaign success

Was your campaign a success? Before you launch your campaign, it is important to have measurement in place. This can come from tools like Google analytics or in app analytics that are provided in many website builders and social media networks. View this article to learn how to track the success of your digital marketing campaigns.


Understanding measurement: How to gain key insights from analytics


How to create marketing personas and reach your audience more effectively