Content Marketing SEO Strategies:
Boost Your Organic Traffic Growth

Content Marketing Guide 2024

Are you struggling to grow your website's traffic? You're not alone. It is tough out there! The best practice techniques of yesterday aren’t enough to cut it in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Gone are the days when basic keyword research and link building were enough. Today's marketing demands a more sophisticated approach. With AI-generated content flooding the internet, social networks vying for user attention, and Google's laser focus on search intent and quality, old-school tactics just don't cut it anymore.

The truth is modern SEO and content marketing is both an art and a science.

But don't worry! This guide will arm you with cutting-edge SEO strategies tailored for the modern web. You'll learn how to:

  • Improve website visibility

  • Create content that truly resonates with your audience

  • Leverage the latest SEO techniques to outpace your competition

Ready to transform your website? Let's dive in.

2024 Content Marketing Guide


2024 Content Marketing Guide ✨

content marketing guide 2024
2024 content and seo guide

Introduction to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you own a business, you know showing up in search engines plays a huge role in your overall success. Accordingly, SEO is a pretty big deal. So what exactly is SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimizing your website and its content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). When someone types a search query into Google, your goal is to make your content, product, or blog post appear as the most relevant and valuable result.

You want Google to recognize your offering as the best answer to the searcher's question or need, so it ranks your page at the top of the search results. SEO is ultimately about making your site more visible, accessible, and valuable to both search engines and users.

In this guide, I will cover the fundamentals of SEO and content marketing to gain organic traffic and take a deep dive into winning strategies that will empower you as a business owner, content creator and marketer.

I have experienced firsthand the power of implementing the same strategies I’ll be outlining as they have played a pivotal role in ranking my website for search terms related to my business. We will explore how to create valuable content, utilize pillar pages and content clusters, explore ranch style SEO, and discuss the latest in content strategy and distribution. Let’s dive in.

image celebrating content and seo

If you're looking to build a strong online presence, you've likely heard about content strategy. But what exactly is it, and why is it so crucial for your business?

Content strategy is the planning, development, and management of contentβ€”written or in other mediaβ€”to achieve specific business goals. It's about creating and delivering valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain your audience. A well-executed content strategy can drive conversions and support your overall marketing efforts.

Here's why content strategy matters:

  • It aligns your content with your business objectives

  • It helps you understand and target your audience effectively

  • It ensures consistency across all your content platforms

  • It supports your SEO efforts and improves your search engine rankings

✨ A quick note: Content strategy and content marketing, while related, serve different purposes. Content strategy is the overarching plan that guides all content decisions, focusing on the "why" and "how" behind your content efforts. It's about long-term planning and governance.

Content marketing, on the other hand, is the tactical execution of content creation and distribution to achieve specific marketing goals. It's the "what" and "where" of your content efforts. Think of content strategy as the blueprint, while content marketing is the construction process. A strong content strategy enables more effective content marketing by providing clear guidelines and aligning content creation with overall business objectives.

In this guide, we'll explore both the strategic aspects of content planning and the practical execution of content marketing, giving you a comprehensive toolkit for success in your digital content efforts.

Introduction to Content Strategy

The Relationship Between Content & SEO

relationship between content and seo

Content strategy and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are closely related.

Here's how they work together:

  • Keyword Integration: Incorporating relevant keywords into your content strategy that align with user intent improves search visibility.

  • Quality Content: Focusing on creating valuable content attracts backlinks and social shares, boosting SEO.

  • Meeting User Intent: A good content strategy considers pain points you are solving and stages of the buyer's journey, allowing you to create content that matches user intent and is more likely to be returned in search results.

  • Increased Engagement: Engaging content encourages visitors to spend more time on your site, reducing bounce rates and potentially improving your search rankings.

  • Establishing Expertise: Creating quality content with a unique perspective helps establish you as an industry expert, therefore building trust and signalling to search engines that your site is a credible source of information.

  • Content Structure: Improving readability and search engine crawlability helps Google better understand what your content is about.

  • Consistent Publishing: Regularly updating content keeps your site fresh (Google loves this).

Creating Quality Content Aligned With Your Audience

Have you ever searched for, say a quick recipe for homemade pizza dough, only to scroll through paragraphs about Maria's nonna’s secret ingredients, her favourite trip to Italy and a detailed history of pizza-making before finally reaching the actual recipe?

If so, you've encountered the frustrating world of keyword stuffing and filler content. And now, with the proliferation of AI-generated material, there's even more low-quality content to sift through. This is precisely why creating valuable, targeted content can significantly set you apart.

Modern SEO isn't just about appeasing search engine algorithms; it's about crafting high-quality, user-centered content that genuinely engages and benefits and aligns with your target audience. To achieve this, understanding your audience is paramount.

Here's why:

Relevance: When you know your audience, you can create content that directly addresses their needs, questions, and pain points.

Language and Tone: Understanding your audience allows you to tailor your language, whether it's professional and technical or casual and conversational.

Content Format: Your audience's preferences determine whether they're more likely to engage with long-form articles, quick video tutorials, infographics, or podcasts.

Topic Selection: Knowing your audience's interests and challenges helps you choose topics that will resonate and provide real value, rather than simply chasing keywords.

By focusing on your audience's needs and preferences, you create content that not only ranks well but also builds trust, establishes authority, and fosters long-term relationships.


A crucial aspect of effective digital marketing and SEO strategy is understanding where your target audience spends their time online and what influences their decisions. To gain these valuable insights, consider utilizing the following methods:

  • Surveys: Directly ask your audience about their preferences, pain points, and online habits. You can get pretty started quickly using tools like Google Forms or Typeform.

  • Analytics: Dig into your website and social media analytics to understand user behavior and demographics.

  • Social listening: Monitor social media conversations to identify trends and topics relevant to your audience.

  • Competitor analysis: Study your competitors' audience to gain insights into your own target market using tools like Similarweb.

  • SparkToro: Sparktoro is a powerful new tool from Rand Fishkin, who certainly knows A LOT about SEO (You may know him from Moz) that can provide detailed information about your audience's online behaviour, including websites they visit, YouTube channels they watch, and podcasts they listen to and more.

Image source:

content aligned with audience

If you're unsure where to start with identifying your audience, consider developing buyer personas. These fictional representations of your ideal customers can help you visualize and understand your target audience better. Create detailed profiles that include demographics, interests, goals, challenges, and online behaviours. These personas will serve as a foundation for your audience research and content strategy.

Additionally evaluating your online marketing strengths and weaknesses (SWOT) helps you understand what content works best for your business. Alongside tools like SparkToro, a digital marketing SWOT can help inform the right platforms to share your content and where to double down on content efforts. Remember, creating good content is important, but so is getting it in front of the right people.

By incorporating audience research into your content strategy, you can create content that speaks directly to your audience's interests and needs. This targeted approach not only improves your SEO performance but also increases engagement, builds trust, and ultimately drives conversions.

Using Jobs to be Done (JTBD) for Content Creation

The Jobs to be Done framework is a great tool understanding the underlying motivations and goals of your website audience. By utilizing this framework, you can gain insights into the specific jobs your audience is trying to accomplish. When you have this insight into your audience, you can craft content that addresses their questions and helps them complete their desired tasks.

What is the jobs to be done framework (JTBD) you ask? Good question. Here’s a quick run down.

The Jobs to Be Done (JTBD) framework is a powerful approach to understanding customer behaviour and motivations. Developed by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen, JTBD focuses on the idea that people "hire" products or services to accomplish specific tasks or achieve certain goals in their lives.

This framework shifts the focus from demographic characteristics to the underlying motivations and desired outcomes of your audience. In the context of SEO and content creation, JTBD helps you to:

  • Identify the real reasons why people visit your website

  • Understand the specific problems or goals your audience is trying to address

  • Create content that directly speaks to these needs and goals

Here's an Example of JTBD in Action:

Let's consider a SaaS company offering a project management tool. Instead of focusing solely on demographic information like "tech-savvy professionals aged 30-50," the JTBD framework encourages us to think about the "jobs" these visitors are trying to accomplish:

πŸ’Ό Job: "I need to streamline communication and task allocation across my remote team."

πŸ’Ό Job: "I want to track project progress and identify bottlenecks quickly."

πŸ’Ό Job: "I need to generate comprehensive reports for stakeholders without spending hours compiling data."

By identifying these jobs, the SaaS company can create content that directly addresses these needs:

✏️ Blog post: "7 Strategies for Effective Remote Team Collaboration Using [Product Name]"

πŸ“Ή Video Tutorial Series: "How to Set Up and Monitor Project Milestones in [Product Name]"

πŸ“š Case study: "How [Client Company] Reduced Reporting Time by 75% with [Product Name]'s Automated Analytics"

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Virtual Webinar: "Maximizing Team Productivity: From Task Allocation to Project Completion with [Product Name]"

⬇️ Free downloadable resource: "The Ultimate Guide to Stakeholder Reporting: Templates and Best Practices"

By focusing on these jobs-to-be-done, the SaaS company can create more targeted, valuable content that speaks directly to the needs of their potential customers, improving both SEO performance and conversion rates. This approach ensures that the content not only attracts the right audience but also provides real value by addressing their specific needs and goals.

As we approach 2025, SEO will increasingly require that marketers, creatives, and business owners focus on understanding audience intent to create more valuable content. This framework can be helpful in better empathizing with your audience and crafting targeted content that addresses needs and motivations.

At its heart, JTBD challenges us to look beyond surface-level product features and dig deeper into the true motivations driving consumer choices. It prompts us to ask: What are people really "hiring" our product, service, or even our blog article, or tutorial to do for them?

This graphic serves as a powerful reminder that to truly connect with our audience and provide value, we must look beyond what we're selling and understand what our audience is truly trying to achieve. It's a call to empathy, insight, and customer-centric thinking.

Image source: | Illustration via Intercom

Content creation is an art and a science. It requires a deep understanding of the outcomes people desire (like mastering a kickflip) while also grasping the search terms they use at different stages of their buying journey. The challenge lies in balancing search behaviour with the messaging people find when they arrive and interact with content on your website.

Simply churning out keyword-rich AI content won't cut it here. Instead, successful content blends user intent, search patterns, and compelling, relevant messaging that resonates with your audience's desired outcomes. This approach ensures that your content not only attracts visitors but also provides genuine value, leading to better engagement and conversion rates.

To help you get to the heart of why your product or service matters to your audience, I created the following worksheets to help:

  • Identify the core problems your audience is trying to solve

  • Understand the emotional and social factors driving their decisions

  • Pinpoint the specific outcomes they're seeking

  • Align your offering with their fundamental needs and desires

You can find a downloadable and fillable copy of this worksheet here.

content strategy worksheet
fillable content strategy worksheet

Understanding the Content Funnel

The content funnel has three stages: Top (ToFu), Middle (MoFu), and Bottom (BoFu). Each stage needs different types of content to appeal to your audience as they move through their buying journey.

This approach helps you reach people at every step of their decision-making process, from initial awareness to final purchase. For SEO purposes, understanding where people are in the content funnel can help you you target a wider range of keywords and search intents, and improve your website's visibility in search results search queries related to your business.

Here’s a better look at how focusing on the content funnel can help:

  • Keyword diversity: Each funnel stage targets different keywords, from broad, informational queries (ToFu) to more specific, product-related terms (BoFu). This diversity helps businesses rank for a wider range of relevant search terms.

  • Content depth and breadth: Creating comprehensive content for each funnel stage naturally increases the website's overall content volume, providing more opportunities for search engines to index and rank pages.

  • Internal linking: A well-structured content funnel encourages strategic internal linking between related pieces, helping search engines understand the website's hierarchy and topical relevance.

  • Backlink opportunities: High-quality ToFu and MoFu content often attracts natural backlinks, improving the website's overall authority and search rankings.

  • Featured snippets and rich results: Optimizing content for each funnel stage increases the chances of earning featured snippets or rich results in search engine results pages (SERPs), improving visibility and click-through rates.

  • Long-tail keyword targeting: MoFu and BoFu content often targets long-tail keywords with higher conversion potential, helping businesses rank for these valuable, specific queries.

  • User intent alignment: By matching content to user intent at each funnel stage, businesses can improve their content's relevance in search results, potentially leading to higher rankings and click-through rates.

By implementing a comprehensive content funnel strategy, not only can you guide potential customers through their decision-making process but also significantly enhance SEO performance, resulting in increased organic visibility, traffic, and ultimately, conversions.

content funnel worksheet

Creating Engaging Content

Provide Original and Unique Content:

By offering content that stands out from the sea of AI-produced material, you not only capture your audience's attention but also strengthen your website's E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) signals. This approach helps search engines recognize your content as valuable, authoritative, and worthy of higher rankings. Here's how you can create distinctive content that boosts your SEO efforts:

  • Offer original insights: Provide fresh perspectives or new information that AI can't easily replicate.

  • Leverage personal expertise: Share case studies, how-to guides, or methods based on your unique business experiences or skill set.

  • Emphasize human touch: Create content that showcases empathy and deep understanding of your audience's needs and goals.

  • Develop a distinctive voice: Cultivate a unique brand voice that resonates with your target audience and sets you apart from AI-generated content.

  • Focus on value proposition: Ensure your content clearly communicates your unique benefits and overall positioning.

  • Incorporate industry-specific knowledge: Offer insights that require specialized expertise or insider knowledge of your field.

By implementing these strategies, you'll not only improve your SEO performance but also build stronger connections with your audience, establishing your brand as a trusted and authoritative source in your industry.

Consider Content Format and Content Design:

Content format and design play a significant role in how your audience consumes and engages with your information. The emergence of content design as a discipline emphasizes the importance of presenting information in a way that's not only visually appealing but also easily digestible and user-friendly.

When planning your content strategy, consider various formats such as:

  • Blog posts and articles

  • Videos (short-form and long-form)

  • Podcasts

  • Interactive content (quizzes, calculators, tools)

  • Social media posts (including Stories and Reels)

  • Webinars and live streams

By diversifying your content formats and applying content design principles, you can cater to different learning styles and preferences within your audience. This approach not only improves user experience but also increases the likelihood of your content being shared and engaged with across multiple platforms.

Remember, the goal is to present your valuable information in the most effective and engaging way possible. Regularly assess which formats and design elements resonate best with your audience, and be willing to adapt your strategy as needed.

For creating visually appealing and engaging content across various formats, I recommend tools like Canva and for video editing.

canva templates for content creation and seo

On-Page SEO: Optimizing Your Content Visibility

On-page SEO helps search engines understand your content better. By optimizing your website's elements, you increase the chances of appearing in relevant search results. This is important because:

  • It improves your visibility online

  • It helps you reach your target audience more effectively

  • It can lead to more traffic and potential customers

Think of on-page SEO as a way to speak the language of search engines. When you do this well, you're more likely to be seen as a valuable resource for people searching for topics related to your business. This makes on-page SEO a crucial part of your overall content strategy.

Whether you are creating a SaaS features page, designing a product page, introducing a new service, or writing an in-depth expert guide, here are some key on-page SEO elements you will want to make sure you have considered for best results:

πŸ“Œ Title Tags:

  • HTML elements defining page titles

  • Include keywords, be concise (50-60 characters)

  • Example: "Best Eco-Friendly Water Bottles | Green Living Essentials"

    Why it's good:

    Includes primary keyword "Eco-Friendly Water Bottles"

    Indicates product quality with "Best"

    Incorporates brand name "Green Living Essentials"

    Concise and within character limit

    Clearly communicates page content to users and search engines

πŸ“ Meta Descriptions:

  • Brief summaries (under 160 characters) appearing in search results

  • Include keywords, highlight value, create curiosity

  • Example: example: "Discover our range of durable, BPA-free water bottles. Reduce plastic waste and stay hydrated in style. Free shipping on orders over $50!"

    Why it’s good:

    Includes relevant keywords: "water bottles", "BPA-free"

    Highlights product benefits: "durable", "reduce plastic waste"

    Creates value proposition: "stay hydrated in style"

    Includes call-to-action: "Discover our range"

    Adds incentive: "Free shipping on orders over $50"

πŸ—οΈ Header Optimization:

  • Use H1, H2, H3 to structure content

  • Include keywords in H1, match with title tag

  • Use H2 and H3 for subtopics

πŸ”— URL Structure

  • Create logical, keyword-inclusive URLs

  • Use hyphens to separate words

  • Keep URLs short and descriptive

πŸ–ΌοΈ Image Optimization

  • Use descriptive file names with keywords

  • Add alt text for accessibility and SEO

  • Compress images to improve loading speed

using alt tags to show google what your content is about

The Power of Internal Linking for SEO

internal linking for SEO

Internal linking connects different pages on your website, helping search engines understand your site structure, distribute link equity, and improve user navigation. Key benefits for your Squarespace website include:

Improved crawlability: Helps search engines discover and index pages faster.

Enhanced user experience: Makes it easier for visitors to find relevant content.

Increased link equity: Distributes "link juice" from high-authority to lower-authority pages.

Best practices for internal linking on Squarespace:

  • Use descriptive anchor text

  • Link to relevant content

  • Create a logical site structure

  • Don't overdo it

  • Regularly audit your internal links

Visit this guide with step by step instructions for adding internal linking to your Squarespace website.

Content Pillars, Clusters, and Pillar Pages: A Comprehensive SEO Strategy

Content pillars, content clusters, and pillar pages work together to create a strong, organized content strategy that improves your website's structure and helps establish your expertise in specific topics. Let’s take a closer look.

Content Pillars

Content pillars are the foundation of your content strategy. Content pillars represent the core themes or topics that your website focuses on, aligning closely with your expertise and your audience's interests.

Characteristics of Content Pillars:

  • Broad, overarching topics

  • Reflect your brand's key areas of expertise

  • Guide long-term content creation

  • Usually limited to 3-5 main themes

Benefits of Defining Content Pillars:

  • Focus your content creation efforts

  • Establish brand authority in specific areas

  • Improve content planning and organization

  • Enhance site structure and user experience

  • Support long-term SEO strategy

Content Clusters and Pillar Pages

Content clusters and pillar pages work together to create a comprehensive, interconnected content strategy that builds upon your content pillars.

Content Clusters

Content clusters are groups of related content pieces that collectively cover a broad topic in-depth. Each cluster focuses on a main theme or topic derived from your content pillars.

Pillar Pages

Pillar pages are comprehensive, authoritative pages that provide a broad overview of the main topic of a content cluster. They serve as the central hub, linking to more specific, related content pieces within the cluster.

The Role of Keywords

By strategically incorporating keywords, you can create a comprehensive content structure that addresses a wide range of user queries while maintaining focus on your core topics.

Seed Keywords

Seed keywords are broad, primary terms that represent the main topics of your content pillars and clusters. They are typically shorter and have higher search volumes.

Seed keywords form the foundation of your content cluster strategy. They define the main topic of your website and should strike a balance between being broad and specific to attract targeted traffic. For example, as a Squarespace designer, using "website design" as a seed keyword was too general for me and I wasn’t able to get close enough to the first page of Google to make a real impact on my website visibility. Instead I found a lot of success narrowing down my focus and concentrating on keywords like to "Squarespace web designer"

Long-tail Keywords

These are more specific, often longer phrases that target niche subtopics within your content clusters. They usually have lower search volumes but higher conversion rates.

For example, if "Squarespace web designer" is your seed keyword, related long-tail keywords might include "Squarespace design tips for beginners," "custom Squarespace templates for photographers," or "how to optimize Squarespace sites for local SEO." These long-tail keywords allow you to create more focused content that addresses specific user needs and questions, potentially attracting highly interested visitors who are more likely to convert.

Keyword research

You can do keyword research to identify relevant keywords related to your niche or industry. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, SEMrush, Ahrefs, SparkToro, and even tools like exploding topics to find keywords with high search volume and moderate competition. These tools can help you discover both seed keywords and long-tail variations that align with your content strategy.

Remember that keyword research is just one piece of the puzzle and should not be the sole driving force for creating content. First and foremost, focus on understanding your audience's pain points, their intent based on where they are in the buyer's journey, and how you can help resolve their issues or answer their questions with high-quality, helpful content.

Implementing a pillar page strategy

  • Identify your content pillars based on your expertise and audience needs.

  • Develop seed keywords for each content pillar.

  • Create comprehensive pillar pages for each main topic.

  • Generate a list of subtopics (long-tail keywords) for each pillar.

  • Produce multiple content pieces focusing on the subtopics, linking them to the relevant pillar page.

  • Ensure internal linking between related content pieces within the cluster.

There are all sorts of SEO techniques, more recently for example, Ranch Style SEO is emerging as a strategy.

Ranch-Style SEO is a content strategy that emphasizes creating multiple, targeted pieces of content rather than comprehensive pillar pages. Unlike the traditional Skyscraper Technique, which focuses on building massive, all-encompassing articles, Ranch-Style SEO spreads high-quality content across numerous individual articles tailored to specific user intents and stages of the buyer's journey. This approach aligns well with the shift from keyword centric to topic-centric SEO and prioritizes providing unique, valuable information ("information gain") that AI-generated content cannot easily replicate.

While Ranch-Style SEO offers a promising strategy for future-proofing content in the era of AI and frequent algorithm updates, it's crucial to remember that the foundation of any successful SEO strategy remains deeply empathizing with your audience and creating genuinely valuable content that meets their needs and search intents.

Off-Page SEO Strategies

Off-page SEO plays a key role in improving your website's ranking and visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). These strategies focus on techniques that are outside of your website but still play a crucial role in search engine optimization.

Build High-Quality Backlinks πŸ”—

Backlinks are links from external websites that point to your website. Search engines use the number and quality of these links to determine your website's authority and relevance. You may find people selling backlinks, but in my opinion this isn’t the way to go. Rather, focus on quality content creation and promotion.

  1. Guest blogging: Writing for another website in your industry can provide you with an opportunity to link back to your site.

  2. Reclaiming broken links: If another website links to a page that no longer exists on your site, you can reach out to them and suggest they replace the link with a working one.

  3. Create Quality Content: Creating high-quality and helpful content, such as informative guides or long-form articles, not only benefits your audience but also serves as a powerful tool for generating backlinks. When other websites find value in your content, they are more likely to link back to your site, enhancing your website's authority and visibility. By demonstrating your expertise and providing valuable information, you increase the likelihood of attracting organic backlinks, ultimately boosting your website's search engine rankings and driving more traffic to your site

Content Strategy




Content Strategy πŸ’₯ SEO πŸ’₯


squarespace seo guide conclusion graphic saying that's all folks

We covered a lot! Thanks so much for taking the time to review this guide - I hope you found it helpful.

The key takeaway is that optimizing your website for search engines is an ongoing process that requires dedication, creativity, and empathy for your audience.

Remember, creating SEO driven content in 2024 is about more than just keywords and backlinks. It's about creating a holistic online presence that provides value to your audience and aligns with search intent. Using some of the latest tools and techniques can go a long way. Whether you're a small business owner, a content creator, or an entrepreneur, these SEO strategies can help you stand out in an increasingly busy space.

Stay committed to producing high-quality, engaging content, continually refine your SEO approach, and don't be afraid to experiment with new tactics. With persistence and the right strategy, you can transform your website into a powerful tool for growing your online presence and achieving your business goals. Best of luck and thanks again for visiting!

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