Understanding the Buyer's Journey for Squarespace Websites: Moving People from Consideration to Purchase

It is a pretty common phenomenon to launch a new website or online business, and hope for immediate results only to find yourself feeling a bit deflated. The truth is, a website, no matter how beautiful or on trend isn’t enough. That isn’t to say a well designed website isn’t necessary, it is. In fact, a poorly designed website on mobile can really cost you. That said, a beautifully designed, mobile website, still isn’t enough.

“57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile.”


So if a Squarespace website alone isn’t enough? What is?

It is unlikely someone will click on an ad once and buy your product or service. Similarly, people are unlikely to visit your website just once and buy from you.

If you have ever online shopped, you have likely visited a website a few times before adding an item to a cart, and even then, you may have found yourself not completing the purchase.

While a lot of this comes down to specific e-commerce optimizations, such as improving the checkout process, utilizing abandoned cart emails, and addressing shipping costs, there is a point in all of this.

The point - most of the time, people don’t click on an ad and buy your product or service. It takes A LOT more work than that - hence teams of social media managers and content strategists and paid media specialists and so on.

Let’s dig into the buyers journey

Let’s start at the very beginning. First, you need to make people aware that you exist. From there, you need to address their hesitations and move them from consideration to purchase.

Once they make a purchase, the relationship doesn't end. Acquiring new customers is costly. You want to not only retain the clients you've worked so hard to win over but turn them into advocates who champion your product or service.

Let's take a look at the stages of the customer journey below

The buyers journey addresses 5 key steps

  1. Awareness

  2. Consideration

  3. Acquisition

  4. Relationship

  5. Loyalty

Let’s dig into each component.

Awareness: How do people learn you exist?

  • Paid Social

  • Organic Social

  • Google Display Ads

  • Google Search Ads

  • Google Shopping Ads

  • YouTube Ads

  • Your website (SEO)

  • Blog articles (SEM)

  • Press Releases

Consideration: What could a potential customer pick you?

  • A white-paper

  • Infographic / Resources

  • A free webinar

  • A landing page

  • Online reviews

  • Youtube tutorials

  • Demonstration Video

  • Special offers

  • A free trial

  • Expert content

  • Case studies

  • Emails

Acquisition: What action do you want potential customers to take?

  • Sign up

  • Create an account

  • Schedule an appointment

  • Make a purchase

  • Call us

Relationship: How can you engage with your community?

  • Special offers through email

  • Answering questions over social

  • Discount on next purchase

  • Surveys asking how you can best serve them

Loyalty: How might loyal customers promote your brand?

  • Becomes a fan

  • Leaves reviews

  • Posts about you on social media

  • Recommends you

  • Creates user generated content (UGC)


Looking at the example above, can you think of how you can reach your audience? Is there a specific place in the buyer's journey where you can help move people from point a to point b?

For example, perhaps you have a lot of traffic, but you don't see conversions. Can you provide a nudge to move people from consideration to conversion? Could you offer a free two-week trial or create a demonstration video that addresses any confusion or hesitation?

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A how-to guide for elevating your Squarespace website with content marketing


How to take your Squarespace website to the next level with content strategy